Heal Thyself Emerald Health Practitioners training program offers the 21 Day/12 Week Food As Medicine, Holistic Elemental Energy readings, holistic health coaching, detoxification & rejuvenation consultation techniques that cover 103 diseases from learning lifestyle practices to prevent diabetes, obesity, asthma and more.
Make a powerful difference in the field of holistic health. Start a career in the health and wellness industry. Join an international network of holistic health practitioners. Your home is the new hospital, and self-care is the future of healthcare and the future is now!
Heal Thyself Emerald Health Practitioners training program offers the 21 Day/12 Week Food As Medicine, Holistic Elemental Energy readings, holistic health coaching, detoxification & rejuvenation consultation techniques that cover 103 diseases from learning lifestyle practices to prevent diabetes, obesity, asthma and more.
November 7th & 8th
November 14th-15th
November 21st & 22nd
December 5th & 6th
7pm – 9pm EST
*Purchase separately the textbooks: Circles of Wellness, Heal Thyself & City Of Wellness
*Available on amazon.com
*Co-ed training for Men & Women*
tuition: $2250